Pavel Žufan

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Pavel Zufan works at the Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno, from 1995. He is an Associate Professor in the field of Industry Economics and Management. In 2003-2009 he was the Chair of the Department of Management, 2006-2014 also as a vice-dean of the faculty. In the period of December 2015 till January 2018 he was a vice-rector of MENDELU for strategy and IT, and from February 2018 he is the dean of the FBE. At MENDELU he guarantees the courses “Operations Management” and “Strategic Management”.

Except ECBE, he cooperates with the Russian and Georgean accreditation commissions, he is a member of Strategic Management Society, Academy of Management, and a member of executive board of the Wold Association for Case method Research and Application (WACRA). So far he published over 60 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings. He is a member of four Scientific Councils at Czech business schools, and member of editorial board of one scientific journal.

His research is aimed on industry analysis, strategy formulation and implementation with the specific focus on SMEs, and food industry. The main projects he worked on as the coordinator include the Leonardo da Vinci project “Education in Strategic Management for SMEs”, and a Czech Science Foundation project on crowdfunding.

Pavel is married, father of two sons, and fan of crosscountry skiing, basketball, cycling, and literature.