Strategic Advisory Groups
Strategic Advisory Groups are set-up by the BoD, have a limited lifetime, and work around a specific topic.
If you would like to join an existing Strategic Advisory Group, or would like to show your interest in joining a future one, please follow the procedures explained on the page "Vacancies".
Current Strategic Advisory Groups are:
Accreditation standards
The Accreditation Standards Strategic Working Group is charged with developing, reviewing and revising ECBE’s accreditation standards. Following approval of ECBE’s Strategic Plan 2022-25, this Group will be responsible for ECBE’s new Institutional Accreditation Standards and the introduction of programme standards for undergraduate, masters and doctoral provision. The Group has also been asked to consider the development of a new Enhancement-led review method and standards for short course provision.
Internationalization and Growth
The Internationalization and Growth Strategic Working Group is responsible for guiding ECBE’s efforts to expand its global reach. This includes the identification and development of strategic partnerships with other quality assurance agencies, organisations representing employers and national governments. The Group is also working to identify new ECBE members as part of our regional growth strategy.
Knowledge exchange
The Knowledge Exchange Strategic Working Group oversees the development of ECBE’s programme of events, analysis and information sharing across our member network. Specifically, the group identifies contemporary issues facing international business, management and economics institutions and programs relevant speakers, including as part of our new annual webinar series. The group also presides over ECBE’s approach to thematic analysis.